Long time no… blog!

It’s been a whirlwind of a few weeks! My sister came to visit me for 2 weeks from DC with my two adorable nephews (who are 2 and 9 mos!) so as you can imagine my worktable was totally closed up for that time. Instead we had sooo much fun playing and making arts and crafts together. We made xmas ornaments, some clay beads and bracelets and colored a ton!  A few days were warm enough to play outside and take walks. We went to the Boston Children’s Museum (definitely recommend that to those with young children) and even got to jump at a trampoline park (indoor of course) – Yea! for SkyZone!

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Aren’t they too cute?!?!

Sadly they left last friday and I’ve been in baby withdrawal ever since…

Since they left we had a small family drama (hubby hurt his back) so I was on a short hold longer from painting… but now I’m back in full force (and he’s much better too!).

I jumped right back into calendar making… so here are a couple shots.

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I plan on having these calendars ready for the Muse by the end of the month and then I will start doing my yearly holiday postings featuring awesome and cool projects that I want to try (and hopefully have successfully finished!).

Have a great weekend and I’ll be back next week!